Sunday, 17 June 2012


 Hi Everyone,

I'm back again with a post  on a very vital part of our face., the lips and how to prevent it from being dry and chapped . Many people by nature possess dry lips and also the lips can be dry due to weather conditions. Dry, chapped lips are so unpleasant and uncomfortable to everyone.

Lip exfoliation is however an important process one can undertake to combat this unpleasant situation . Exfoliating the lips helps remove dead skin cells. It helps the skin retain more moisture and hence prevent chapping. More important , lip cosmetics are able to stay on better and longer.

I have an easy home-made method of lip exfoliation that is so easy to do from just organizing stuffs from your kitchen. The ingredients are all natural and easy obtainable.

Let's get starter :........


  1. Sugar - granulated or cubed

    Cubed Sugar
     2.   Olive Oil
Olive Oil

  1. Combine 1tsp of granulated sugar  with 1 tsp of olive oil .
  2. Combine well until the mixture reaches a nice, thick , sticky consistency.
My Home-made Lip Scrub

How to use your home-made lip exfoliate or scrub
  1. Remove any lip cosmetics on the lips by using your facial wipes.
  2. Take a reasonable amount of the mixture and apply to the lips by using your finger , gently rubbing it on your lips. Make sure you gently scrub all the lip surface and the corners.
  3. Rinse off and apply your lip balm.
A toothbrush can be used for the lip scrubbing process.

Lip Exfoliation could be part of your skincare routine and that can be done once in week .

I hope this information  will be helpful to you all. Let me know what you think by commenting below. In case you have any question on any thing related to makeup, let me know by and see how best i can be of help.


1 comment:

  1. This is great! Thank you.
